Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies

The Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies was founded as part of the Excellence Initiative as a structured doctoral program at Freie Universität Berlin and funded from 2007 to 2019. In 2012, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin joined as an important cooperation partner. Since 2019, the FSGS has been closely associated with the Cluster of Excellence 2020 "Temporal Communities. Doing Literature in a Global Perspective" and is responsible for its doctoral training. The school funds projects that explore literature comparatively, across time and language, or relate it to other aesthetic media. FSGS will use the Einstein grant to establish a digital pre-doctoral program for master's graduates from the Global South. With digital courses and consulting services attended remotely from the home country, and funding for a 12-month residency in Berlin, program participants will be supported in preparing for the PhD project and attracting external funding.