Funded Programmes 2018

In 2018, the prize for outstanding doctoral programs in Berlin was awarded for the second time at the Einstein Foundation's New Year's Reception. The Berlin Graduate School of Muslim Cultures and Societies was awarded with highest praise (summa cum laude). The Graduate School of North American Studies was recognized with high praise (magna cum laude), and the Berlin Mathematical School received the award with praise (cum laude).

Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies is dedicated to the inner diversity, historical mutability, and global interconnectedness of Islamic-influenced cultures and societies. In particular, the graduate school explores the interactions and relationships between Muslim and non-Muslim groups and societies, in Europe and worldwide. It is considered one of the most distinguished graduate schools in Berlin and is one of the few institutions in Europe that specializes in this field. In addition, the worldwide networking and the strong research orientation of the graduates were honored. The prize money is to be used, among other things, for "predoctoral" funding, i.e. to enable promising candidates to embark on successful doctoral studies.

Graduate School of North American Studies

In the field of American and Canadian Studies, the Graduate School of North American Studies is an international beacon of scholarship. Located at Freie Universität Berlin, the Graduate School is dedicated to comprehensive and interdisciplinary research on the social, economic, and cultural transformation of North American societies at the beginning of the 21st century. In the future, the research focus will be particularly on the recent crisis developments that the United States and Canada are currently undergoing. In addition to the high internationality, the low dropout rate (2.7%), the quality-assured program, and the visiting scholar program were particularly appreciated.

Berlin Mathematical School

In the field of mathematics, the Berlin Mathematical School, like the entire science location, is among the international leaders. The school is one of the largest disciplinary doctoral programs in Berlin and is supported by the Technische Universität Berlin (speaker university), the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and the Freie Universität Berlin. More than half of all doctoral students come from abroad. The graduate school has also been able to retain numerous internationally outstanding research personalities as Einstein Visiting Fellows on a long-term basis. A special feature is the "fast-track option" to doctoral studies for Bachelor students. The numerous services offered by the Graduate School, such as the intensive support of young female scientists, are also worthy of mention. The prize money will be used, among other things, for postdoctoral fellows and to strengthen alumni work.