
#AskDifferent - der Podcast der Einstein Stiftung

#AskDifferent – der Podcast der Einstein Stiftung
In der Podcast-Reihe #AskDifferent erzählen geförderte und mit der Stiftung verbundene Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler von den kleinen Schritten und großen Zufällen, die zu einer außergewöhnlichen Laufbahn geführt haben. Wir wollen wissen: Was treibt sie an, anders zu fragen, immer weiter zu fragen und unsere Welt bis ins kleinste Detail zu ergründen?

When will we be able to cure Parkinson’s disease?

AskDifferent #34 – The brain is a complex system, and an extremely clever one, too. In order to remain functional, it constantly compensates for external changes and influences. In this episode of #AskDifferent, we learn from Einstein BUA/Oxford Visiting Fellow Andrew Sharott how understanding these fundamental properties of brain activity can help the discovery and treatment of Parkinson’s. Sharott is a professor at the University of Oxford’s MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit and an internationally recognized expert on how neuronal activity changes in Parkinson’s and its treatment with neurosurgery. Bearing in mind the fact that more than 10 million patients are affected by the disease worldwide, we talk about chances of finding a cure, what the abbreviation DBS stands for, and the progress Professor Sharott hopes to achieve through his research.

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